Professional Development Workshop

Tomorrow will be one of our last general meetings of the semester at 6:00 pm in 1217 Humanities. We will be hosting guests from the Student Leadership Program who will be talking with us about grant and resume writing. Please bring a copy of your resume! This is a great opportunity to expand your professional development.  

Also coming up, we have the Sustainability Faculty- Student Council Forum on May 2 from 12-3pm at Wendt Commons. Several Tawi board members are attending, and we are particularly excited about discussing the issue of conflict minerals and the efficacy of conflict- free campaigns on campus. 

Tomorrow at the meeting we will be signing up foods to bring to the Barbezoo potluck. This is currently scheduled for May 3. HOWEVER, we are currently looking at other options due forecasted thunderstorms. Updates coming soon. We will also be signing up for the following general meeting on May 6th. This will be held at Buraka on State St. and will feature several special guests at this special dinner meeting. Directly following the meeting we will be holding a MANDATORY travelers orientation at Claudia's apartment. 

As always, all are welcome to join us for our upcoming board meeting on Thursday at 6:30 in Noland Hall. 

Hope to see everyone tomorrow!