Today (4/22) we will be attending the Global Poverty Project hosted by Amnesty International. Here's a little bit more info on the organization:
Plan to meet up at the front entrance of the Memorial Union at 6:00 pm.
On 4/24, make sure to come by our table at the Wear Red, Get Fed event on Engineering Mall from 11-2:00 pm. What could be better than beautiful Tawi faces, stickers, and candy?
Our meeting on 4/29 will feature professional development activities, such as tips to improve your resume. We will also be signing up for dishes to bring to the Barbazoo, our annual barbecue at the zoo! The Barbazoo will be on May 3rd from 5-8:00 pm at Vilas Park.
On May 2, the Sustainability Council will be hosting a student/faculty forum. Part of the afternoon will address ending the purchase of conflict mineral technologies by UW. This is a great opportunity to engage further with an important international issue, and we strongly encourage all Tawi members to attend. If interested, please fill out this survey:
Also, just a reminder that our board meetings are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in 379 Noland Hall. We love hearing new voices!