An interesting special seminar is being presented on campus next Monday which is relevant to many of the topics we have been discussing in Tawi. Check out the details below and RSVP if you're interested in attending!
Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Ph.D.
Monday, May 13, 2013
1:30-3:00 pm
Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research, Room 5001A
1111 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI
(Adjacent to the Health Sciences Learning Center – Parking in lot 79 at hospital)
Professor Kickbusch is Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. She is one of the world’s leading public intellectuals on global health diplomacy and “Health in all Policies,” stressing the importance of integrating policies, programs and practices across sectors of government and society. She is the author of Policy Innovation for Health (2009) and an important new WHO report, Governance for Health in the 21stCentury.
Please join us for this special event, which is jointly sponsored by the European Union Center for Excellence, Master of Public Health Program, Global Health Institute, and Population Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Light refreshments will be available for those attending the seminar.
Please RSVP to Terrie Howe by May 9, 2013
UW Master of Public Health Program